Bed Linen Care
1. Wash bed and fine linens with a good gentle detergent.
2. Never use bleaches or detergents with optical brighteners for bed linen care, these can weaken your sheets.
3. Always dissolve your detergent in the washing machine before adding your linens.
4. Don’t use very hot water or hot dryer for that matter, heat weakens fibers.
5. Don’t overload your washing machine, if you have gentle cycle use it. When you have completed the wash cycle for bed linens, run the load through an extra rinse cycle this help remove any soap residue (lingering soap residue decreases the softness of your bed linens).
6. Don’t wash sheets and towels together, this leads to pilling.
7. For stains, wet area and rub Linen Wash right onto the strain.
8. To avoid pulls snag, don’t wear jewelry to bed and keep nails short.
Other Fine Linen Care
2. Never use bleaches or detergents with optical brighteners for bed linen care, these can weaken your sheets.
3. Always dissolve your detergent in the washing machine before adding your linens.
4. Don’t use very hot water or hot dryer for that matter, heat weakens fibers.
5. Don’t overload your washing machine, if you have gentle cycle use it. When you have completed the wash cycle for bed linens, run the load through an extra rinse cycle this help remove any soap residue (lingering soap residue decreases the softness of your bed linens).
6. Don’t wash sheets and towels together, this leads to pilling.
7. For stains, wet area and rub Linen Wash right onto the strain.
8. To avoid pulls snag, don’t wear jewelry to bed and keep nails short.
Other Fine Linen Care
1. Don’t use fabric softeners on your towels it will impart an oil that lessens ability absorb.
2. If you have an unbleached, undyed towel that doesn’t absorb water, try putting a cup of vinegar or salt in its rinse water. The vinegar will remove the cotton’s natural oil, which are automatically removed in white colored towels.
2. If you have an unbleached, undyed towel that doesn’t absorb water, try putting a cup of vinegar or salt in its rinse water. The vinegar will remove the cotton’s natural oil, which are automatically removed in white colored towels.
Linen and Table Cloth
1. For wine stains, we love wine away. Spray this magic on fresh stains and watch them disappear. Even old wine stains can often be coaxed with few treatments followed by washing. Here is more on stain removal from wine away.